It is our way of saying sorry for what happened to them, even if it is not our fault that they pass away or they are in danger. But since they are in our care and our family members, we feel guilty. We think we have not done enough to protect them in our minds. That is why they end up like this. Guilt is the feeling that we all experience. We all feel this because we did something wrong to the person, and we cannot amend it. Guilt is the emotion we feel when we cannot protect our loved ones from any danger they experience. So we blame ourselves for what happened and do things that we think can relieve this emotion, like getting personalized coop funeral urns.
Guilt runs our body as if it is a disease that infected our bodies until it has already consumed us. So it runs in our veins that we can no longer focus on thinking positively about life. It sometimes drives us crazy every time we remember what happened.
It consumes all the space in our brain and heart. It is dominating us, and it is hard to let go of it, especially alone. It is like a bit of voice whispering in our ears, reminding us what we could have done to save them, telling us that it is our fault why our loved ones lost their lives. This emotion sometimes kills us in pain.
We don't know what to think and feel. It feels like we are running on the road with no direction. We don't know where to stop or when to make a move. So we are bound with this emotion. And it is hard to tell anyone what we feel because we are afraid they will judge us and add to our guilt.
That is why we keep them. We fight them alone. Even if it is hard, we try to handle it. It is the feeling that it is too much for one person to carry and that we need a backup to help us go through it. We need to overcome guilt.
Guilt can be associated with grief. Grief and guilt come along on occasions where we less expected. And when they come along, it is like a whirlwind experience for all of us because of the feeling it gives us. It goes along with other things that we have in mind.
The rollercoaster ride that we never expect is what we will experience when these two emotions come along simultaneously. You will not have the room anymore for happiness and relaxation. Instead, anxiety will overtake you and be crowded with depression. You'll never know when it will hit you hard.
It would be best to acknowledge that guilt.
We can't overcome our guilt if we deny experiencing one. So we need to understand that we feel guilty when experiencing sorrow in our lives. And by admitting that we are in that phase in our life, it would be easy for us to help ourselves heal and be free.
When you acknowledge it, you are ready to forgive yourself. You can start taking a new path and accepting new feelings that life will give you. You can start being happy again.
If you can talk your grief and guilt out, do it!
If you can talk about your guilt to anyone in your household or anyone close to you, do it. It is a good way of releasing all your emotions. If it makes you cry, you cry. Don't hold yourself on to the things that will not help you.
You do things that will help you grow and surpass all the trials in your life. No man is an island, so you sometimes need to talk out your feelings to anyone you trust. Even a stranger can lend an ear to you.
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Examine your thoughts about your situation.
If you can't decide on your situation, you can first examine your case. Then, you try to consider every possible way that your decision affects your situation. When you can decide on simple things in your life, you can win many other things that are even more complicated.
Like how you will decide when you are sad, lonely, and guilty, you feel that you are already drowning in so many emotions inside you. When you can examine your surroundings and your disposition at that particular moment, you can think of a better way to decide on your problems.
Think so many times before you take action.
It is not a secret that we sometimes become aggressive when sad or angry. We are impulsive in our decisions that affect our emotions and other people's feelings in our household. That is why it is vital to think before we speak a word or do things. We don't want to regret something in the end.
If we need time to think things straight and decide fully, we can take our time. We don't need to rush on something that will impair our plans.