

Keeping Ashes at Home

If you're grieving the loss of a loved one, it can be hard to imagine how you're going to cope with their absence. You want to honour their memory and keep them close by, but at the same time, this is a time for mourning. There are many ways to do this—you could hold a funeral, scatter ashes in a special place, or keep them at home among other family members; or hold on to their ashes in cremation urns the possibilities are endless!

Ashes can be kept at home.

If you choose to keep your loved one's ashes at home, there are a few things you can do to make sure they're protected. First, make sure the urn for ashes is not exposed to sunlight or extreme temperatures (such as those in attics and garages). Never place it next to direct heat sources like fireplaces or radiators. Second, consider storing the urn in a secure location within your home—in an area that is not easy for children or pets to access, with no windows nearby.

Finally, if you'd like help finding additional ways of keeping your loved one close after death but don't feel comfortable keeping their ashes at home yourself:

    Consider using an ash scattering service instead of scattering them yourself; these services will handle everything for you so there is no risk of losing track of where all that dust might end up going!

You have to have a plan for what you're going to do with the ashes.

I know that this sounds like it would be obvious, but it's not always as cut and dry as it seems. First of all, how are you going to get them home? Is there going to be a funeral service? If so, what kind of container is best suited for carrying ashes around? Are they being interred in an urn or buried in the ground? What kind of container will your family members use at home? Have you considered these things yet because they matter more than you might realise right now.

If there's no clear plan in place already, put one together quickly; don't procrastinate on this one!

If you are going to scatter ashes, take extra care doing it.

The location is important, specifically making sure the ashes are scattered in a safe and appropriate place. You should avoid places where there are animals or children (this includes pets), public areas, places that have a lot of traffic or water.

Some types of urns can be buried in a cemetery plot.

However, not all urns are allowed at cemeteries. If you want your loved one’s ashes to be buried with other family members or friends, make sure the cemetery is able to accept what type of container you have chosen before purchasing it.

If you want to keep the ashes but don't want them out in the open, there are options like cremation jewellery.

If you're looking for an elegant way to remember a loved one, you should talk with Aura Star Jewellery. Our team makes cremation jewellery that's especially designed to keep a little bit of your loved one close at hand. We make it in a variety of materials and colours that suit your taste and needs. We can even make custom designs if you want something different than what's available off-the-shelf at most stores.

There are simple ways to keep your loved ones close by when they've passed away.

Many people choose to keep their loved ones' ashes at home, and the options for doing so are endless. You can purchase an urn and keep it in a special place—a cabinet or shelf, for example. This is one of the most popular ways to honour your dead loved one by keeping their ashes close by.

You may also choose to keep the cremation urn on display as a way of remembering them and keeping them close. If you have kids in the house, this is an especially meaningful way to show them that death isn't something scary; it's just another part of life that happens all around us every day. Some people find this comforting—being able to see their loved one's face looks peaceful when they're asleep (in essence).

If you do choose this option—and I highly encourage it if you're able—make sure that where you put their urn is safe from damage (such as water), insects like spiders or ants getting into it (these creatures love moisture!), and other pets like dogs knocking over fragile things such as glass jars full of ashes!

As we've seen, there are many ways to keep your loved ones close by when they've passed away. You can scatter their ashes or bury them in a cemetery plot, or even keep them at home in ashes urn. The decision is up to you and depends on your personal needs and beliefs about what happens after death. We hope that this article helped you understand how these options work so that when it comes time for us all to go, we'll have peace of mind knowing what will happen next!

We provide funeral urns that can be engraved and inscribed with whatever text desired. We offer a range of different options, from traditional urns all the way to biodegradable ones, to suit any taste and budget. For more information about our products, or about our next sale, please visit: https://urnsuk.com/

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