

Five Lesser-Known Facts About Keepsake Urns

Keepsake urns—as petite vessels—often go unmarked or disregarded by some, as traditional adult-sized urns are the usual or familiar way of memorialising a departed beloved. Here, we explore the significance of this type of urn in remembering a loved one.

1.    Keepsake urns are offered in a manifold of shapes and sizes.

Most people might relate a keepsake urn with a standard adult-sized urn that is designed to carry the departed’s precious ashes. However, these mini urns come in an array of sizes and shapes, which aim to serve the preference of the bereaved. These urns, which can be crafted just a few cubic inches in size or customised into as big as a traditional urn, hold an ample amount of cremated ashes, which also depends on what the bereaved will opt for or choose..

At Urns UK a wide range of designs, styles, and shapes for keepsake urns are available—making the way you memorialise and honour even more intimate, customised, and personal.

2.    These urns have the power to share and connect family members.

This is one of the heartfelt facets of keepsake urns. When a loved one passes, the ashes, once cremated, can be divided amongst the keepsake urns—enabling each family member to have a tactile connection with the departed. This then can provide an unfeigned sense of unity and solace during the agonising time for the family.

3.    These urns can be used for our beloved fur babies.

Keepsake urns can freely be used to honour and remember our beloved pets, aside from the urns’ common relation with human cremation. These urns provide the pet owner the opportunity to feel the embrace of their beloved pet, even in spite of earthly absences, through the small amount of ashes that are respectfully encased inside the vessel.

4.    Keepsake urns aren’t limited to ashes alone.

Keepsake urns are versatile. For some families, they may opt to encapsulate small tokens or mementos of remembrance of their beloved departed inside—such as the departed’s lock of hair, a piece of their favourite or most significant clothing, trinket, object, or notes. These urns likewise play a role in various personal preferences and cultural traditions, and can be a precious family heirloom.

5.    These urns can be included in your pre-planning.

Yes, keepsake urns can play a vital role in the pre-planning phase—including the end-of-life arrangements and memorialisation choices—of one’s own memorial. These can be chosen as a part of the whole process, making sure that the wishes of the departed are respectfully honoured and fulfilled.

Moreover, when you choose a keepsake urn in advance, you can be able to further convey what you exactly wanted the urn to be—helping your family be affirmed that the memorialisation surely reflects your presence and essence.

Explore Urns UK’s collections of Keepsake Urns today!

More than just vessels for ashes, keepsake urns stand as a lasting testament to an enduring connection, eternal remembrance, and relentless love.

Understanding these urns’ facets and significance could help the bereaved appreciate their role in memorialisation—as these small receptacles have a huge power to cradle memories, forge connections, and confer solace that the bereaved family needs.

Embrace the versatility of these timeless, unique, and meaningful keepsake urns today with Urns UK. Visit our website to choose the perfect tribute that echoes your beloved’s presence forever, and enjoy our exclusive 10% OFF discount!

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